Challenge: Not escape, but learn

4 min readJan 25, 2019


Well, folks, today is the beginning of a new challenge which I consider to be very helpful especially during the holidays. 60 minutes of English per day will be enough not to lose your skills. Studying language is like a workout in the gym. It’s like a kind of sport. You should train yourself everyday, but it shouldn’t be like:”Ok, today I’ll learn 100 new words and then I’ll know the language!” And the next day you just give up even a hope of being a learner. You shouldn’t carry it on your back, you should enjoy it. Only then you will have progress.

So, I’m eager to share with you guys what I’ve done today.

1st Day of Challenge

My goals for today are:

  1. to watch 2 videos
  2. to read an article or an interview

I spent 30 minutes reading Michel’s Obama little interview in ELLE in the Editor’s Letter. The editor asked Michel about an influence of clothes on people. It was really interesting to know her opinion about it. Frankly speaking, I wasn’t stunned when Michel said that she usually choose a wardrobe very carefully, because clothes influence relationships, mood, etc. But to look presentable and neat isn’t enough so to get on with people well and to set the tone of the conversation, you should develop such features as charm, good sense of humor, self-irony and so on.

These are new words for you guys. Hope, you will find them useful.

Contagious [ kənˈteɪdʒəs] — 1)a contagious feeling spreads quickly among people. 2)заразительный(смех)

A boon [ bun] — 1) something helpful that improves your life. 2) благо, дар

Behind the scenes1) if something happens behind the scenes, it happens secretly. 2)за кулисами, за кадром, тайно

To shine a light on smb пролить свет на что-то.

Long-overdueдолгожданный, запоздалый.

Assault [ əˈsalt] — 1)an attack. 2) атака, нападение, штурм

To assault smb — напасть на кого-то.

Also, I went on, here you can find an immense number of TED Ed videos with English subtitles.

I watched “The History of The World According to Cats”. Feel free to check it so you’ll also know when ancient wildcats appeared and who is Unsinkable Sam.

I knew a lot when I watched this video. For example, about the lineage of cats, how they’re connected with naval sailors and so on.

These are new words:

Miraculously [ mɪˈrækjələs] — 1)very surprising and difficult to explain. 2)чудесным образом.

Alongside [ əˌlaŋˈsaɪd] — 1)together with someone. 2)бок о бок.

Predator [ ˈpredətər] — 1)an animal that killes and eats other animals. 2) хищник.

Hordes of rodents [ ˈrəʊdəntz] — полчища грызунов.

Carnivorous [ kɑˈnɪvərəs] — 1)an animal that eates meat. 2)плотоядный.

Abudance [ əˈbandəns] — 1)a lot of smth. 2)изобилие.

Prey [ preɪ] — 1)an animal that is hunted and killed by another animal. 2)жертва.

Venomous1)contaiing or involving venom. 2)ядовитый, злобный.

The other video which I’ve watched today is about cheese. I really LOVE cheese and all things that are connected with this milk commodity.

When you watch “The brief history of cheese”, you’ll know how cheese was invented and why it is healthier than milk.

New vocabulary:

To sour прокисать

To congulate [ kəʊˈæɡjəleɪt] — 1)to change from liquid to a more solid state. 2)сгущаться.

To stockpile [ ˈstɒkpaɪl] — делать запасы, накапливать.

Densely [ ˈdensli] — 1) with a lot of things close together. 2)плотно.

Byproductпобочный продукт.

To accelerate [ əkˈseləreɪt] — ускоряться.

Vinegar [ ˈvɪnɪɡər]— уксус.

Vast 1) extremely big. 2) обширный.



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