Commenting on a quote
Hello, everybody! Today I’d like to share with you an eye-catching quote. Here it goes:
“Those who are strong-willed may fight the storm and possibly choose their own road, while the weak must go where they are blown” (“Girl in Translation” Jean Kwok)
Basically, there are two types of people in the world: those who feel free to control their lives and those who don’t. Put it in other words, it means that the first type of people prefers to achieve their goals and try to do their best at managing their lives somehow : it can be simple time-managment or, through a broader lens, these people won’t have their lives go nowhere. The second type is usually afraid of even some simple changes in their lives, to say nothing of some total ones.
I’m not really good at psychology but once I listened to the lecture about leadership where there was mentioned one remarkable concept. Actually, there are people who are used to being responsible for themselves and never blame random circumstances of people around if they fail. They are strong because they’re leaders of their lives. People who don’t care much about their lives and totally rely on the fate, in opposite, always make everybody and everything guilty except for themselves. Don’t get me wrong, believing in your fate is great and there is nothing bad about it. I mean, it doesn’t classify you whether you care or don’t. However, the difference is when you, for instance, you can’t achieve your goal and blame your fate instead of thinking critically. I don’t consider such approach the best because the circumstances will always bother you, and you will be baffled and panic-stricken on your way to success. This is the very key to it.
We are all born equal and only life, society and your thoughts and conclusions make you an individual. If you feel that you’re the second type or you’ve lost faith in yourself — you can change it! This is the most wonderful thing in our life, isn’t it?
People can add some changes in their lives that will help them to approach their goals. It can be such simple things like physical exercises, diet, course, interacting with people, making new friends, learning languages - whatever you prefer. When they do so, they have to do it regularly and this is how we work on our will power.
Oftentimes, we feel as if we’ve lost our strength and motivation to go further. This is totally fine, trust me! Our life consists of falls and rises, like the intonation patterns in the English language :) That’s why try to be like those strong-willed people at all costs even if you feel that you’re not strong enough. Fake it till you make it (or become it) — whatever is good for you. I believe in you!
Thanks for your time and attention! I hope you enjoyed reading this. See ya.