Female Immigration
Nowadays, there are 4 million immigrants in Russia, 3 of which came here to find a job. However, researches show that about 50% of immigrants are women. (especially from Kirgizstan). In comparison with Tadzhikistan and Turkmenistan, the percentage of people is 4 times less. Yet, we don’t know if this is a long-run tendency. However, even if it’s not, we face the issue that may lead to dire consequences.
To begin with, women are more likely to immigrate with their children, putting at risk not only their own lives but their kids’ too. They often face sexual harassment, physical abuse, poor housing conditions, lack of access to proper medical help, etc. Therefore, female immigration is way more complicated in contrast to male one.
Margarita Lyange, the Vice-President of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, noticed that it is not a common situation when women are separated from their families. However, sometimes circumstances are such that people have to move to another country to earn their living. In that way, female immigrants experience more physical and emotional pressure. It may lead to the abandonment of children, who are not going to be adopted for certain reasons. All in all, according to the Vice-President, migration policy requires improvements.
At the international conference aimed at discussing female immigration issues, the speakers mentioned the forthcoming national census. It allows immigrants to sign official documents proving that they are Russian citizens and can exercise their rights too.
At the conference, speakers also posed the question of how immigrants feel in Russia.
Vladimir Zorin, the Secretary of Inter-Ethnic Relations, answered that there are more than 1300 different migration associations and 32,000 religious organizations which are a considerable source to harmonize inter-ethnic and international relations. He emphasizes that Russia does not strive for national assimilation. At issue is social adaptation and integration of the immigrants. For that, the government should supply them with decent working conditions, cooperation with diaspores, and projects on social and cultural adaptation.
Among the female immigrants, there are a lot of successful women in both business and family. The participants of the conference appealed to the ethnic association for searching women-leaders for integrating them into the Russian business communities.