If you want time, you must make it

4 min readJan 28, 2019


Today, I got up literally a couple of hours ago and decided to watch something. So, I went to “The School Of Life” and noticed one interesting title of the video.

“How Much Does Luck Decide Our Life”. It’s a tough question for all of us, isn’t it? There are many people who believe in Luck or different superstitions. As for me, I don’t really believe in such things and rarely rely on “good” circumstances even though sometimes something strange happens in your favor. But the most part of my life is controlled by my thoughts and affairs. In my book, it’s wrong to ascribe to fortune the results of your work because it’s your own labor. But sometimes it’s very tempting for people to believe in luck because they used to take a fright of reality and truth.

Well, I hope you’ll find this video very helpful at least because it’s a big field for your own philosophical reasoning.

New Vocabulary:

To ascribe smth to smth [ əˈskrɑɪb] — 1)to consider smth to be caused, created or owned by someone or something. 2)приписывать что-то к чему-


Triumph [ˈtraɪəmf]-1)a very great success, achievement or victory. 2)триумф, победа, торжество.

Mere [ mɪr] — used to emphasize that smth is not large or important. 2)всего лишь.

Notion [ ˈnoʊʃən]- 1)a belief or idea. 2)понятие.

Substantial [ səbˈstænʃəl] -1)large in size, value or importance. 2)значительный.

Foresight [ ˈfɔrsaɪt]- 1)the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions based on this knowledge. 2)предвидение, предусмотрительность.

Tempting [ ˈtemptɪŋ] — 1)if something is tempting you want ot do or have it. 2)заманчивый.

Fearsome [ ˈfɪrsəm]- 1)frightening. 2)страшный, пугающий.

Tempestuous [ temˈpestʃuəs]- 1)if something such as a relationship or time is tempestuous, it is full of strong emotions. 2)бурный, буйный.

Ardent [ ˈɑːrdənt]- 1)showing strong feelings. 2)пылкий.

Daunting [ ˈdant̬ɪŋ]- 1)making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve somethings.

Reverential [ ˌrevəˈrenʃəl]-1)caused by, or full and admiration. 2)благоговейный, почтительный.

The second video I’ve found in the same place. And the title seems to me both funny and sad. “What To Do If You Hate Small Talk”. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find in this video significant tips which I can use in real life but there is the explanation of a concept of a notion “Small Talk”.

New words:

A dread of smth боязнь чего-то.

To resent [ rɪˈzent] -1)to feel angry because you have been forced to accept smth or someone that you don’t like. 2)негодовать.

Insincere [ ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪr] -1)pretending to feel smth that you do not really feel. 2)неискренний.

To ascertain [ ˌæsɚˈteɪn] — 1) to discover something. 2)выяснять.

Interlocutor [ ˌɪnt̬ɚˈlɑkjət̬ɚ] -1)someone who is involved in a conversation. 2)собеседник.

To broach [ broutʃ] -1)to begin a discussion of smth difficult. 2)затронуть тему, поднять тему.

Profundity [ prəˈfʌndət̬i] -1)the quality of showing a clear and deep understanding of serious matters. 2)глубина(мысли, понимания).

Erudite [ ˈeryədaɪt] -1)having or containing a lot of knowledge that is known by very few people. 2)эрудированный.

Deft [ deft] — 1)skillful, clever , or quick. 2)ловкий.

And I also have done a few grammar exercises:

✔Question Tags

✔Question Tags Error Exercise

✔Present Perfect Or Past Simple

✔For/Since Gap Fill

✔Subject & Object Questions

✔Making Subject & Object Questions

✔”Used to” or “Would” Test



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