Pleasure Reading: New Vocabulary

1 min readJan 16, 2019


I’d like to share with you new words & phrases from the book which I’ve read.

To clench [ klentʃ]

-to hold or hold something very tightly, often in a determined or angry way.

- сжимать, стискивать

To persuade somebody of something [ pɚˈsweɪd]

- to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it.

- убеждать кого-либо в чем-либо

To feel homesick [ ˈhoʊmsɪk]

- unhappy because of being away from home for a long period.

- тосковать по дому, скучать

Frantically [ ˈfrænt̬ɪkəli]

- done in a hurried way and in a state of excitement or confusion.

- неистово, отчаянно

Marble [ ˈmɑrbəl]

- a type of very herd rock that has a pattern of lines going through it, feels cold and can be polished to become smooth and shiny.


Doubtfully [ ˈdaʊtfəl]

- you’re doubtful about something, you’re uncertain about it.

- сомнительно

Inexplicable [ ˌɪnɪkˈsplɪkəbəl]

- unable to be explained or understood.

- необъяснимый

To make a gesture [ˈdʒestʃɚ]

- to move hands or arms expressing an idea or feeling.

- подать жест, сделать жест

Exceedingly [ ɪkˈsidɪŋli]

- to a very great degree.

- чрезвычайно



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